My Journey

Hi! I’m Hannah, or you can call me Hansie!
I am a Dutchie, but at the moment I am hopping around the globe, exploring myself and the world.
My partner lives in England, so that’s where I am a lot of times as well.

I’ve been on a self-development journey for some time now and I would like to tell my story.

A few years ago, I thought that I had to go with all the things “I should” do or how it’s supposed to be. With thinking I should achieve a lot, focusing on success, mostly linked to money and working hard for it, and always living by the expectations of others.
I felt a lot of pressure to belong to certain groups or society, social pressure and obligations.
I was influenced a lot by what happened around me and lots of time I let people cross my boundaries.

I found it hard to say no or to set my boundaries in general, I found it hard to tell people if things didn’t feel right to me or if I didn’t like something. I was always busy with other people, I did lots of people pleasing. I always felt guilty if I would make a choice that felt good for myself but would disappoint someone else. Everything felt like my responsibility. I was living in my head, even though I’ve always felt a lot. But I just didn’t know how to listen to my body. I thought that I had to listen to everything and everyone else.

There were some periods in my life that I felt really miserable, depressed almost. Lots of crying day after day, lots of stress, migraines, a burn-out… I was very very self-critical (I call my inner critic Harry). From the outside you would say that I had a perfect life and that I looked so happy. Everything sorted, everything under control. But I was putting an enormous amount of pressure on myself to make it all work. I was constantly pushing myself and then I would tell myself all the time that I was doing everything wrong. I was always worrying about the future. Lots of doubts, lots of difficulties to make decisions. What do I really want? How do I know what I want? I had no idea.
Always a busy mind and I didn’t know how to get out.

I didn’t always take good care of myself. I did a lot of partying. Of course it’s fun and it’s all about the balance. But I’d go all out, to release the stress. With lots of Hansie’s Hangovers. So then I would feel even more exhausted and miserable. But I mostly just didn’t know in general when enough was enough. I always had the idea that I had to work harder, that I had to do more. I didn’t love myself, at all. I didn’t know how to do that. Loving yourself, eeks, what’s that?!

I always tried to be everywhere all the time as the best (“perfect”) version of myself and I tried to control everything, but of course it only gave me stress and stress and more stress.

My burn-out was the start of: “this needs to change”. It was the start of my self-development journey. A journey back to myself, rewind! With therapy, with some amazing solo travel trips  ánd with doing lots and lots of research about everything that has to do with the law of attraction, human design, mindset, self-love, spiritually…

Besides that I attended different workshops, courses and retreats. In 2022 my spiritual journey got a real boost with a ten-day silent retreat. This has been the most beautiful experience of my life.
I was so suprised, that without any distraction and no one around me to influence me… I felt like a glowing lightbulb. Finally time to give space for my inner world only, what a release. Something has really shifted. Since then I feel definitely better than ever and since then I’ve been deep diving into yoga, meditation and mindfulness. I am now a certified yoga and meditation teacher. Besides that I spent some time as karma yogi (volunteer) in a retreat center, where I also had the opportunity to give classes during retreats.

With all of this, I’ve learned to live more in the now and to not fall into the trap of my busy, critical head that easily anymore. Thanks to meditation and other spiritual practices I become more conscious about what happens in my mind and body and I can look at it instead of getting lost in it. I learn how to create patience and compassion with and for myself and life around me.
Therefore, I can also make more conscious decisions, choices that are right for me.
Of course, I still have to cry every now and then and I still feel very stressed sometimes. But I can be with it, be curious about it and approach it with love, instead of pushing myself more or to have resistance towards whatever is happening in my inner world or around me.

Because of the retreats I also realize even more how harsh the world is sometimes. How we are tangled in certain systems in society and strong patterns… How we all live so much in our heads, not only me. While there is so much more. There is so much more life and goodness if we start to peel off all these layers of rules we have for ourselves and all these protections we think we need. If we just dare to take off our masks and show our real selves, and take responsibility for our own life. If we just show are emotions and dare to be open about our fears, but also about our deepest desires.

For me this has been such an eye-opener and it has been really valuable for my life.

I would love for you to come closer and stay close to who you are as well, to make choices that are good for you and to be more kind to yourself. To not do the things you “should do”, while they don’t feel right. To hold yourself back because of limiting beliefs and fears, while they are not even always yours but sometimes they’re even projected on you by others.

I jumped on a train towards self discovery and self realization, a rollercoaster that I can’t get out anymore. And even though it’s not always easy to dive into your inner world, I don’t want to get out anymore.
When you dare to jump, beautiful things can happen.

Thanks for reading and enjoy your journey, like I’m enjoying mine! <3

Spirituality is about looking deeply within and seeking truth. Clarity. That's what it's about.

Hannah de Maagt


Enjoying the journey without being too busy with the final destination, that’s what I’m trying to do. I’m a free spirit, I like to face my fears and like to figure out how to live as my true self instead of doing things that “I should do” when they don’t feel right.

I’ve been on an inner journey for a while myself. I want to help others to become more mindful and present, to remove the blockages that are in the way of expressing ourselves as our true authentic, unique glowing lightbulbs of love and joy.

Jumping and diving into the unknown and following “a different path” out of your comfort zone is scary. But this is what makes you feel alive and what makes you grow.

There will always be a beautiful surprise if you follow that inner voice of the heart that wants to pull you in a direction of healing and growth. By looking for happiness inside instead of looking for happiness outside of yourself, because you can’t change the world but you can change your inner state and that will have a ripple effect on your outer world.

It’s a process. Life is a journey and not always an easy one, but an extremely awesome and beautiful one if you dare to be present and open and have trust. In yourself, in life and that everything will fall into place. Everything will be okay, and even if not, it’s still okay. 😉

Hannah de Maagt

Books for inspiration

These books have supported me on my spiritual journey
